Wednesday 20 May 2015

Production log week 1

Week 1 - Sunday 3th May to Sunday 10th of May 2015

First page of the old storyboard
This week I worked with Prinul on finishing off the storyboard and uploading that. I also uploaded all the pitch videos onto youtube and started pre-production. I also am working towards finishing up my evaluation on my pitch presentation. I hope to have the evaluation finished by the following Sunday. We also are going to restart on the storyboard together working, Prinul doing the writing section and I, myself doing all the drawings. This is because before when I had done the storyboard the first time, it wasn't up to standard so we decided to redo it. I have till Wednesday to finish it. We also talked about when we might want to film and the best idea was to film during the holiday when we can get the cast to come out and go to the different locations we need to film and film without hassle or time wasting.
A logistical challenge we faced this week was for me was designing the storyboard as, I had to draw everything from scratch and with only notes I did were on the sheet of paper and I wasn't quite sure if we were doing a split screen or just one person like we discuses during the pitch.

There were no technical problems to be had this week.

By next Sunday I plan to finish the evaluation, Fix up the storyboard and add colour to it and go over everything with a black fine line pen and make sure that all my pre-production work is on my blog.

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