Tuesday 24 February 2015

Unit 3 - Characteristics of advertising

Benefits offered

This adverts shows the benefits of having haribos which are that they make you feel younger when you eat them as the advert shows these 'Grown ups,' acting like children and speaking like children.Later in the video, they almost show off combos together such as the bear with the ring around it or the eggs and this causes the audience to want to try these combos as they seem really nice together. The only graphic in the advert is the haribos bear at the end, this can be good as this can be quite simple and isn't over the top. The dialogue is quite simple as well as through out the advert its based on as if these group ups are children and speak like children, having very simple short conversations about the haribos and why they like each one, For example at quite a lot of the scenes including at 0:02 where she asks the others what they think of the sweet. The situation in which this advert is trying to create is that they are conversating about sweets and are trying to again recreate past conversations that the viewers might have had with others about sweets.

Advantages over other similar products
Haribo's bear 
The advantage over products over, trough this advert is almost saying that eating these sweets will make you feel young, as through out the advert these adults are speaking as if they were all 5 years old. haribos creates a brand identity that people can see and know its the same sweet, no matter what they see, as long as the bear is there they know haribos made it and its bound to taste nice. The sweet also has the advantage over a sweet like skittles as they allow the buyer to select 3 different sets of packet sizes at mainstream shops including a 10p version with a few chose sweets, a bigger version that is sold either at 89p or £1 depending on what shop they are brought at and a big packet that is either £1 or £1.20 at certain shops that has the most amount. They also offer certain sweets in a big packet that is really useful as they can be the buyer's favourite sweet and having a bunch of them in a packet can be really important to them, and while some sweets offer the same deal, there are sweets like skittles and smarties but yet they do not offer a certain colour in their case sweet pack as that would cost more to make a certain packet just with only one colour.
Lastly haribos are a set price which isn't shown in the advert but is known to have the same price at most retailers.


The product's unique selling point is that they are meant to be nice and portable and enjoyable by everyone. This can create a fan-base that anyone can join into. The sweet comes of as being nice as during the adverts the adults go on about questionable the best sweets; the ring, the gummy bears,the heart and the eggs. Having theses being talked about during the advert makes people want to buy the sweets so that they can experience the same tastes over again. The aspect of being portable, is not really used in the advert but it is somewhat there as the woman at the beginning just pulls the sweets out in the new smaller packet, it makes people think that they might want a packet to keep in their pocket/bag etc, so that they can eat them on the go. The way that the sweet can be seen as enjoyable by everyone, is that simply the advert, as it features adults eat sweets, which sends a message to their viewers telling them that theses sweets can be eaten and enjoyed by anyone.

Lifestyle appeal

Just some of the different haribos sweets they offer
The Lifestyle appeal that haribos try to is the important people who are normally in the office, and parents. The way that the advert would appeal to important people as through out the avert the cast is in what is meant to be an interview room having a focus group, and while that fits in well with design of meaning to take a serious approach at first but then switching to humor approach later on. The other way that this advert can appeal to a different lifestyle is parents, as they can see this product at almost every shop and can then just pick one up and give it to their child and they can not only eat the different sweets to see which one they like most but there is different versions of the haribo sweet sold at the same price, that can allow parents to be able to pick up this sweet for their child and the child to be able to choose which one he or she wants. This can also allow children to be able to select their favourite one and then see if they offer that certain sweet in a packet by it's self.

Brand identity

The brand is made to look really nice, as though these are kid's voices, its still adults, and thought there is no clear showing that the sweet is really for kids, adults know as not many adults would buy that sweet for themselves.

Benefits offered

This advert shows that the benefits of having this chocolate bar is that it's better for kids, as it has more milk and less chocolate, which is stated at 0:22. The products pretty much says that its good for kids and because of that both kids and parents should be able to get something out of it. The child gets some vitamin D from the milk, and it enjoyable, and the parents will know its OK for the child to have them as its is 'Approved,' by mums.

Advantages over other similar products
The advantage over other sweets is that this sweet offers parents to have the choice to choose the 'healthy,' option which is always a good choice parents and that fact that it says that its approved by mums makes it seem even better as it can be seen as any other mother saying that its OK even though it might not be. The product also can be broken up into pieces of the same size to share among child/ren and this can both save money for the buyer and allow them to be able to stop the unfair sharing issue.

The Unique selling point is that the product can be seen as better than others and can show that the parent who brought them care about the child more as they went out of their way to pick up healthier treats for their child/ren. The advert shows this by stating that chocolate bar is 'specially invented for kids,' which is at, 0:21 this can show parents that the chocolate bar had time spent on it to make it better than other ones. The USP can also be the fact that this product can snapped into pieces to share with children or be offered to someone piece by piece which can almost become an award to children for behaving during day trips or events.

Lifestyle appeal
 The lifestyle appeal for parents who take their child/ren a lot of places as this chocolate seems like its quite small and can be put in a handbag or bag to be left for later and seems like it can be broken into pieces to fill up the child more and so that the chocolate bar can be split up to be shared out to everyone for to be given as treat if the child is behaving at the time.
The lifestyle can also be for adults, but this is quite a small percentage, this chocolate bar can be enjoyed by young adults who enjoy the taste of milk and chocolate but are quite busy as this chocolate bar can be put into a small area such as a pocket or a bag and kept for later. This plays into product's USP as it can be also broken into pieces to make the product last a bit longer.

Brand Identity

The brand identity through this advert is; Creative, healthy and inventive.
The brand comes off as being creative as they are able to create a portable chocolate bar that can be broken to share among children so that they can all have a piece each. Its healthy as its better for the buyer than other products like twix and wispa. It is also shown as being inventive as they can be seen as the better option for parents to buy their child/ren as buying anything else would be the unhealthy option.

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