Saturday, 30 May 2015

Production log week 4

Week 4

24th of may to the 31th of may 2015

What did I do this week?
This week we filmed the actually advert and have a least 25-35 shots filmed for the whole advert. We filmed so many so that if something went wrong in one scene we could use the alternate version of the advert.
On Wednesday we traveled Westfield in Stratford so we could film, we passed though Westfield and arrived at Queen Elisabeth Olympic Park, there we filmed all out shots including Prinul's introductions for the advert and himself, this was filmed just above the swimming pool. We also filmed the first two challengers attempts close to that as before they came we walked around the park to see if we could find a nice place to film but it was too crowded there.One thing I wish could have happened is that we could have is maybe gone to the Orbit tower and filmed inside as inside you can see everything but that cost money to go into and at the time I didn't know we could go inside.

Logistical challenges

A logistical challenge we faced this week was during the Wednesday when we were looking for a section of Olympic park which was meant to have multicoloured floor, we couldn't find it and even attempted looking for the internet for this and saw pictures but not a location. In one photo we even saw both the stadium and  the ArcelorMittal Orbit towards the left of the picture and tried pin-pointing where the picture might have been taken but we couldn't find the coloured floor so ended up filming near the swimming pool as it was quite iconic and had the least amount of people walking around.

Technical Challenges
The only technical challenge I felt that I faced this week was trying the be as different in terms of camera shot types as possible as most of the time I really only use long shots, close-up and mid shots, The way i overcame this was by making the camera pan and spin slowly around the challengers whilst they attempt to eat the flake.

To be done by next week
By next week sunday, I hope to start and finish editing the advert completely and have it uploaded to YouTube by Friday night and start writing up the evaluation of it, also I hope to then start working on the next weekly log.

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